invisaWear® invisaWear®
invisaWear® invisaWear®

Self Defense Classes

Virtual self-defense classes included as an invisaWear customer

Our Mission

At invisaWear, we aim to positively empower users in feeling safe, secure, and connected. We want our jewelry and accessories to allow customers to feel confident that they can quickly get help if they need it, but we also want our customers to know how to defend themselves while help arrives! That's why we're honored to offer self-defense classes once every quarter to our customers. 

Classes are Taught 

by Renowned Expert Jennifer Cassetta 

Jenn is a speaker, self defense expert, & empowerment coach. Her mission is to help you feel strong, safe, and powerful from the streets to the boardroom.




To RSVP for an upcoming class, please email Please make sure to include your subscription code as you will need that to register for the class!

Don't Have a Subscription? 

Join Now!

24/7 Professional Monitoring Brought to you by ADT!

With ADT and invisaWear, if you're feeling unsafe, you won't have to worry about finding your phone, opening an app or making a call. Actually, you won't have to worry about much. Safety is build into your outfit. So relax, help is always at hand. 

Currently available on iOS and Android!

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